Wilton Centre News
Earlier this year Newsmaker was asked to produce a monthly newsletter for its client the Wilton Centre which hosts more than 50 businesses in the former ICI headquarters near Redcar on Teesside.
Fortunately a significant number of occupiers are engaged in highly newsworthy activities: from building a plant to recycle previously unrecyclable plastics – such as food trays and films – to making major contributions to the production of new vaccines.
We have also helped the Centre hit the headlines following its multi-million pound refurbishment, its plans for expansion and the success of its bee colony.
Wilton Centre News provides an excellent opportunity for businesses to share their good news with fellow occupiers and provides an ideal platform for the team running to the site to pass on information.
Anyway, here are a couple of images from the newsletter and if anybody out there sees the benefit of communicating in this traditional but effective way, please get in touch at andrew@newsmakerpr.co.uk