Time to train with Newsmaker

Recent history is littered with examples of businesses and individuals whose brands and careers were damaged because they were not sufficiently trained and prepared to face the media. There are – of course – individuals who are natural performers, but the majority of us face the prospect of a television or radio interview with dread, desperate to avoid a professional and personal own goal.

Broadcast media training

Broadcast media training with Newsmaker PR

The broadcast media’s hunger for contributors has increased due to its need to fill space with dwindling resources; the emergence of new radio and television stations, and the development of technology. The use of Zoom and Teams is not going away and, despite questionable reliability and production values, they will continue to provide producers with cheap and easy access to people in the news.

As an employer you can suddenly find yourself in the middle of a crisis. Our practical and realistic training will provide you with both a clear understanding of how a potentially combative media is likely to behave and how you need to act to minimise any negative reputational impact. Contact andrew@newsmakerpr.co.uk

#broadcastmediatraining  #crisiscommunicationstraining #interviewtraining