Video – The Silent Power project with Northern Powergrid

We’ve just completed a film for Northern Powergrid about its Silent Power van – which will be used for customers affected by power cuts.  The van is battery-powered and the batteries it carries will provide electricity without the usual noise and disruption created by generators.  Everything about the van is silent and green (apart from its colour – red).The Silent Power van 1

In the video we feature a musician called Tom Gascoigne who is affected by multiple sclerosis.  He needs electricity to move around his home and to play his music. He’s played at hundreds of outdoor festivals and knows just how noisy generators can be.

“It’s a bit like somebody using a lawnmower while you’re trying to talk,” he told us.  “I’m fully aware of the shortcomings, but I used to use them, so if there’s an alternative – wonderful.” Tom Gascoigne

We also interviewed Ken Johnson, who worked in the electricity industry for 35 years.  “With the old-fashioned generators there was a lot of maintenance involved and you had to have someone come along and keep topping you up with diesel fuel,” he said. The Silent Power would change that. “There’s no noise and it’s sitting there like a car. Brilliant.”