Cramlington students and staff race to raise money for cancer charities

One hundred students and staff at Cramlington Learning Village have raced 5K to raise cash for cancer charities.
Cramlington Learning Village - supporting Jessica's Sarcoma Awareness
The money will go to Cancer Research and Jessica’s Sarcoma Awareness which was started by Jessica Robson when she was a student at the school.

Jessica was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer when she was 14 and died five years ago just after her 18th birthday.

Her family – with the support of Cramlington Learning Village and local businesses – has continued to raise money to help other young people affected by cancer.

Jessica’s dad Trevor and grandad James Robson started the race and presented medals to the finishers.Trevor and James RobsonRunning for Jess

“Most of the runners didn’t know Jess but the school does a fantastic job of keeping memories of her alive,” said Trevor.

“The school has been so supportive of Jess’ charity and has played a major part in helping us achieve her dream. We are so grateful to all the students and staff.”

Earlier this month the charity reached a major milestone when building work started on a lodge which will provide respite breaks for patients and their families. Jessica’s parents sold their house in Cramlington to buy the land in Henshaw in Northumberland where it is being built.

Teacher Dave Paterson taught Jessica and has been the driving force behind Cramlington Learning Village’s fund-raising for her charity. This was the fourth Race for Life at the school he has organised.On your marks - ready to run 5K in fancy dress

“Jess was a joy to teach and never complained about anything, even when she was seriously ill.  The school has taken Jess, her family and her charity to our hearts and I am so proud of the students who took part in the run – particularly those who found the distance a little more challenging,” he said.

Trevor Robson with winner Josh Fiddaman (thrid from left) teacher Ben Christensen and early finishersThe race – which raised around £1000 – was won in less than 15 minutes by accomplished club runner and sixth former Josh Fiddaman. PE and Math teacher and North Shields footballer Ben Christensen was second. Year 10 student Sophie Coaker was the first girl to finish.